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This page contains a list of CrazyGames' partners for developing or optimizing your game.

Game engines

We support these game engines. If your technology isn't explicitly listed, you can usually manage at least basic integration through the HTML5 version. Most game engines that support WebGL also have a way of interacting with JavaScript when running in browser.

HTML5 UnityUnity GameMakerGameMaker Construct3 Godot
HTML5 Unity GameMaker Construct3 Godot
Cocos GDevelopGDevelop DefoldDefold
Cocos GDevelop ↗ Defold ↗

Xsolla Payments

Xsolla manages payments for online games through their pay station. In-game purchases are only available for invited games and always have to be handled through the CrazyGames Xsolla account.

Read more about in-game purchases on the SDK page.

Xsolla Payments

ByteBrew Analytics

ByteBrew, the leading all-in-one analytics platform, is an official partner with CrazyGames providing our developer community with free game analytics, live ops, A/B testing and more. Start using ByteBrew for free by Signing Up for ByteBrew and using the resources listed below.

ByteBrew User Journey

ByteBrew User Journey map

ByteBrew AB testing

ByteBrew AB testing functionality

Follow the steps below to get up and running with ByteBrew in your games:

  1. Create Your Free ByteBrew Account
  2. Add Your Game to ByteBrew
  3. Get the ByteBrew Web SDK
  4. Integrate ByteBrew using the ByteBrew Documentation Hub
  5. Add Custom Events to Your Game
  6. Invite [email protected] as a Data Partner

Lasso Moderation

We partner with Lasso Moderation for moderation services. Their AI based services can be used for moderation of different content types:

  • Usernames
  • Chat
  • Images
  • Comments
  • ...

You are eligible for a referral bonus when integrating their solution. Contact our team for more information.

Photon Backend

Photon products let you build and launch multiplayer games worldwide across all platforms. You can focus on developing your game while Photon scales to meet the needs of your players - from the first users to millions.

Have a look at this Unity WebGL Sample game and get started with Photon.