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Account integration requirements

Player accounts on CrazyGames can be integrated in different ways, depending on the game's requirements. The integration scenarios below will help you decide what functionality you need to integrate.

Integration scenarios

SDK Scenarios

All scenarios have access to advertisement and in-game functionality via our SDKs. HTML5 and Unity SDKs support all the scenarios. Other SDKs might miss some functionalities.

Scenario 1: Games without user accounts

This is the easiest scenario to integrate, which allows you to monetize your game with video or banner ads. For simple games and if you are new to CrazyGames, we recommend that you integrate this scenario:

  • Gameplay and loading events are required. Friend invites and other Game functionality is optional
  • Monetization via video and/or banner ads
  • User progress:
    • For HTML5 games you can use the Data module to save/restore user progress. Alternatively, if the game stores data in localStorage (HTML5), our APS system will back it up (for logged in users).
    • For Unity games you should save progress in a PlayerPrefs/File. Our APS system will back up data for logged in users, and you can also trigger a cloud save yourself.
  • In-game purchases aren't available in this scenario

Scenario 2: Standard Integration

CrazyGames entails a full-fledge account system, allowing you to access the users' name and avatar and to save progress in the cloud. With CrazyGames you don’t need to go through the hassle of maintaining your own back-end:

  • Gameplay and loading events are required. Friend invites and other Game functionality is optional
  • Monetization via video and/or banner ads
  • User progress:
    • For HTML5 games you can use the Data module to save/restore user progress. Alternatively, if the game stores data in localStorage (HTML5), our APS system will back it up (for logged in users).
    • For Unity games you should save progress in a PlayerPrefs/File. Our APS system will back up data for logged in users, and you can also trigger a cloud save yourself.
  • Access and use CrazyGames user data (username & avatar) for logged-in users. See the User module docs from the appropriate SDK for more information.
  • Games using in-game purchases should use the CrazyGames Xsolla account. This functionality is supported for invited games only.
    • Create a game submission first, so we can generate token credentials and invite you to our Xsolla dashboard.
    • From the dashboard you can configure automatically using in-game purchases with the Xsolla token received from our getXsollaUserToken() function. This will link all purchases to the CrazyGames user account.

Scenario 3: Games with in-game accounts, with a custom back-end

For the games with an account system and a custom back-end where the user data is stored.

  • Gameplay and loading events are required. Friend invites and other Game functionality is optional.
  • Monetization via video and/or banner ads
  • The appropriate user and authentication scenarios are implemented. See the User module docs from the appropriate SDK for more information.
  • We expect you to save the user progress on your back-end.
  • Games using in-game purchases should use the CrazyGames Xsolla account. This functionality is supported for invited games only. Once you are invited to our Xsolla project dashboard, you can either configure it:
    • Automatic: Create a game submission first, so we can generate token credentials and invite you to our Xsolla dashboard. From the dashboard you can configure automatically using in-game purchases with the Xsolla token received from our getXsollaUserToken() function. This will link all purchases to the CrazyGames user account.
    • Custom: You generate your own credentials within the Xsolla project dashboard. The purchases need to be linked to player accounts on your end.