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Ads requirements

You must follow our requirements below when integrating our SDK:

General Requirements for video ads


Video ads can not interrupt gameplay.

Advertisements should not be shown while a user is playing. We do not allow disruptive ads since they will scare users away. Instead, show them at a logical point for the user. Examples are during a level transition, a map change when the player died etc.

Your game should be paused during a video ad.

Ensure that a user cannot progress the game while requesting or showing an ad. Disable buttons, or show a spinner that blocks interaction. An ad request is not instantaneous: several auctions are held and take some time to return with a reply. Block the UI until either an adFinished or adError event occurs. The maximal wait time for an event is five seconds, in which case an adError event occurs.

Your game should be muted during a video ad.

Video advertisements have audio. Ensure that your in-game sound and the advertisement audio are not playing together. You should mute your audio whenever an advertisement starts playing, and unmute it when the ad has finished. Only mute the audio when the ad actually starts playing, and not when you request an ad. It is possible no advertisement is available, and muting and unmuting your music without a visual change is not user-friendly.

Do not combine rewarded and midgame ads in the same scene.

It's not allowed to combine and present both rewarded and midgame ads in a single scene. In that specific scene, either use only a midgame or rewarded ad. Combining the 2 can lead to a bad user experience, for example:

  • if the players choose to skip the rewarded ad, they will still get the midgame ad on the next scene - this must be avoided
  • if the players use the rewarded ad, they can still get the extra midgame ad on the next scene - this must be avoided

Requirements for midgame ads

Request midgame ads at opportune moments without worrying about frequency or minimum intervals

We take care automatically of how often a midgame ad is shown (specifically we make sure that a midgame ad is not shown more often than once per 3 minutes, and that no midgame ad is shown in the first 3 minutes of the game). If the next midgame ad request is too early, it just gets ignored by the SDK and there is no impact for the user. This means that you can request a midgame ad at any opportune moment in the game without worrying about when the last midgame was shown, as long as it does not conflict with a rewarded ad (see the section "Do not combine rewarded and midgame ads in the same scene" above).

Handle unfilled ad calls correctly

Often, the request for a midgame ad will be unfilled (either because of timing restrictions, adblock, or low demand). In this case you receive an adError event. You should handle this case correctly and ensure that the game continues.

Do not surprise the player with a midgame ad

Ideally, you show a midgame ad after a user clicks to start the game (e.g. clicks a 'Next Level' or 'Play' button). Do not show a midgame ad on a navigational button (e.g. when clicking the main menu icon or opening the settings or opening the shop). Please also make sure that the midgame ad does not conflict with a rewarded ad (see the section "Do not combine rewarded and midgame ads in the same scene" above).

Requirements for rewarded ads

Rewarded ads should be special opportunities that a user looks forward to, and not an expectation whenever the user plays your game. Poorly designed levels that can only be completed by a rewarded ad are not acceptable. Instead, occasionally give the user the option to watch a rewarded ad that gives them a cool bonus, or a funny cosmetic change.

We have strict requirements to include rewarded advertisements. Before you start implementing please make sure you read them carefully.

Rewarded video

Instant Rewarded Ads


In-game store ads are a great way to monetize players who are in a "purchase" mindset. You can award monetary value or items they otherwise have to buy.

After completing a level or mission, players are often rewarded. Why not use that as an opportunity to engage players by doubling their reward with a video ad?

Out-of-lives rewarded video ad placement offers a high temptation factor and limited alternative routes for players to take, and therefore can create a high emotional attachment. It is not allowed to offer an Out-of-lives rewarded video each time the users lose a life.

  • Don’t offer out-of-live ads each time a user dies. The rewarded ad should be a special opportunity that a user looks forward to.
  • Don’t offer a rewarded ad too often. Inform the user of this with a timer on the ad request button.
  • When there is no ad available encourage the players to try again later.
  • Provide an alternative to watching an ad. For example, a user can also buy the reward with coins that he can receive during the game.
  • It's not allowed to combine a midgame ad between levels with a rewarded to keep playing the current level. So between 2 levels, you can have either a midgame ad and restart, or a 'watch rewarded to keep playing', but not both.
  • It needs to be clear immediately that the reward is optional. Hiding or delaying the skip or close button on the offer is not allowed.


  • The button to request a rewarded ad should be easily accessible in a consistent location.
  • The button to request a rewarded ad can not by misleading in any way. Specifically, the continue without watching a rewarded ad should be the same size, font, color, etc.
  • It needs to be clear immediately that the reward is optional. Hiding or delaying the skip or close button on the offer is not allowed.
  • It needs to be clear for players that they will have to watch an advertisement in exchange for the reward. This can be done by displaying a video icon for example.
  • When the ad has finished, make it clear that the player has been rewarded. You can display an animation or a notification.
  • Do not offer a rewarded ad too often. Inform the user of this with a timer or hide the ad request button.
  • Do not promote the rewarded ads too aggressively. If the game rewarded ads are well-implemented users will want to use them, there is no need to remind them too often.
  • Provide an alternative to watching an ad. For example, a user can also buy the reward with coins that he can receive during the game.
  • The request button should not appear on an active gameplay screen. For example, in a racing game, the request button can't appear during the race.

Requirements for in-game banner ads


The general guideline is: make sure the user experience is as good as it can be.

Where to put in-game banner ads

In-game banners are only allowed on useful screens with content that are open for at least 5 seconds on average. Make sure that in-game banners do not block any game UI on all game sizes (including on mobile). Do not show in-game banners during game-play.

How to put in-game banner ads

In-game banners must be clearly distinguishable from game content.

Fullscreen button

Fullscreen functionality is provided automatically by CrazyGames. It is not allowed to have an in-game fullscreen button since custom fullscreen buttons often interfere with other features (e.g. monetization).