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Game loading

We provide functions that enable us to track when and how long the loading of your game takes.

The crazy_sdk_game_loading_start() function has to be called whenever you start loading your game.

The crazy_sdk_game_loading_stop() function has to be called when the loading is complete and eventually, the gameplay starts.

// Your game starts loading

// Loading...

// Next level's assets are loading now

// Assets are loaded


We provide functions that enable us to track when and how users are playing your games. These can be used to ensure our site does not perform resource-intensive actions while a user is playing.

The crazy_gameplay_start() function has to be called whenever the player starts playing or resumes playing after a break (menu/loading/achievement screen, game paused, etc.).

The crazy_gameplay_stop() function has to be called on every game break (entering a menu, switching levels, pausing the game, ...) don't forget to call crazy_gameplay_start() when the gameplay resumes.

// Main menu, user clicks start

// Level is over, displaying switching level screen

// Next level starts

// The player is pausing the game by looking into the menu

// The player closes the menu and gets back to the game

Happy time

You can call the crazy_happy() function on player achievements, it will possibly adapt the website to celebrate by playing an animation in the browser!

Use this feature sparingly. The celebration should remain a special moment.

// Player beats a boss, reaches a high score, etc.

// Player finishes a level, get an item, etc.
// No need to celebrate

This feature lets you share the Crazygames version of your game with the players and invite them to join a multiplayer game. You can call crazy_invite_link() with a map of parameters (as a JSON string) that correspond to your game or game room.

In the following example, we first create struct args which holds various key-value pairs, which you can modify to suit your needs. And then we convert args into a JSON string using json_stringify(); to pass into the function, and store the invite link in the variable invite_link which you can use as needed.

args = {
    roomId: 12345,
    duration: 60,
args_json = json_stringify( args );
invite_link = crazy_invite_link( args_json );

You can retrieve any parameter from the invite link with the following code:

room_id = crazy_get_invite_param( "room_id" );

User information

The extension will return a userInfo object via the "crazy.sdk.initialized" event. Game Maker Studio will convert it into a struct, and you can access its variables to customize your game. Here is a sample of its contents:

userInfo: {
    countryCode: "FR", // ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

    // For browser and os, format is the same as
    browser: {
        name: "Chrome",
        version: "87.0.4280.141"
    os: {
        name: "Windows",
        version: "10"
    device: {
        type: "desktop" // possible values: "desktop", "tablet", "mobile"

Refer to the gmcallback_crazy_callback() function in the example at the end of this guide, in particular, the code that runs if _event == "crazy.sdk.initialized". In the example, it is stored in a variable global.user_info. So for example, you could access the browser value by referencing global.user_info.browser.