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This SDK is in beta and still under development.


Download the Cocos SDK.

Right-click on the assets folder in the Assets panel and select Import Asset Package.

Import step 1

Be sure all the files are selected and click Import.

Import step 2

You can now open the CrazySDK/CrazySDKDemo scene to view the functionality of the SDK.

Demo scene

To use the SDK, import it into your files:

import CrazySDK from "./CrazySDK";


On localhost or the SDK starts into local mode. This will do the following things:

  • The calls to request rewarded and midgame videos will display an overlay text.
  • SDK console logging will be enabled.

If you want to enforce the local mode on other domain/ip, you can do it by appending the ?useLocalSdk=true query parameter to the URL in your browser.

On CrazyGames domains, the SDK will work as expected.

On any other domains (or any other platforms, for example Android, iOS, Windows etc.), the SDK is disabled. This means all the method calls to the SDK will throw errors about the SDK beeing disabled. To prevent this, we recommend that you check if the SDK is enabled before calling any methods from it.

You can find if the SDK is enabled like this:
