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The user module provides various account functionality that you can use to authenticate a user in your game. This means that the CrazyGames players who are logged in on the platform will be able to play games that require a user account without having to register in the game. They will also be logged in automatically in the game on other devices where they use the same CrazyGames account.

The account integration page already familiarized you with the possible SDK scenarios. For the scenarios where authentication is available, please consult the appropriate link below.

The user module can be accessed like this:


Check availability

Basic Implementation Full Implementation

The user account functionality is not available on other domains that embed your CrazyGames game. Before using any user account features, you should always ensure that the user account system is available.

const available = window.CrazyGames.SDK.user.isUserAccountAvailable;
console.log("User account system available", available);

Get current user

Basic Implementation Full Implementation

You can retrieve the user currently logged in CrazyGames with the following method:

const user = await window.CrazyGames.SDK.user.getUser();
console.log("Get user result", user);

If the user is not logged in CrazyGames, the returned user will be null

The returned user object will look like this:

    "username": "SingingCheese.TLNU",
    "profilePictureUrl": ""

System info

Basic Implementation Full Implementation

System info can be retrieved like this:

const systemInfo = window.CrazyGames.SDK.user.systemInfo;
console.log("System info", systemInfo);

The response will look like this:

    "countryCode": "US",
    "device": {
        "type": "desktop" // possible values: "desktop", "tablet", "mobile"
    "os": {
        "name": "Windows",
        "version": "10"
    "browser": {
        "name": "Chrome",
        "version": ""

For browser and os, the format is the same as ua-parser-js.

Auth prompt

Basic Implementation Full Implementation

By calling this method, the log in or register popup will be displayed on CrazyGames. The user can log in their existing account, or create a new account. The method returns the user object.

try {
    const user = await window.CrazyGames.SDK.user.showAuthPrompt();
    console.log("Auth prompt result", user);
} catch (e) {
    console.log("Error:", e);

The following errors can be returned:

  • showAuthPromptInProgress - an auth prompt is already opened on the website
  • userAlreadySignedIn - the user is already logged in
  • userCancelled - the user closed the auth prompt without logging in or registering

Get user token

Basic Implementation Full Implementation

The user token contains the userId of the player that is currently logged in CrazyGames, as well as other useful information (username, profilePictureUrl, etc). You should send it to your server when required, and verify/decode it there to extract the userId. This is useful for linking the user accounts for example, where you can have a column "crazyGamesId" in your user table that will be populated with the user id from the token.

You can retrieve the user token with the following method:

try {
    const token = await window.CrazyGames.SDK.user.getUserToken();
    console.log("Get token result", token);
} catch (e) {
    console.log("Error:", e);

The token has a lifetime of 1 hour. The method will handle the token refresh. We recommend that you don't store the token, and always call this method when the token is required.

The following error codes can be returned:

  • userNotAuthenticated - the user is not logged in CrazyGames
  • unexpectedError

The returned token can be decoded for testing purposes on

The token payload will contain the following data:

    "userId": "UOuZBKgjwpY9k4TSBB2NPugbsHD3",
    "gameId": "20267",
    "username": "RustyCake.ZU9H",
    "profilePictureUrl": "",
    "iat": 1670328680,
    "exp": 1670332280

Do not decrypt tokens on the client

Make sure not to decrypt the user token on client-side as this is insecure. The typical info you need on the front-end (username, avatar) can easily be obtained by using the getUser method.

When you need to authenticate the requests with your server, you should send the token together with the requests.

The token can be verified with the public key hosted at this URL We recommend that you fetch the key every time you verify the token, since it may change. Alternatively, you can implement a caching mechanism, and re-fetch it when the token fails to decode due to a possible key change.

Here is a TypeScript example that will help you decode and verify the token:

import * as jwt from "jsonwebtoken";
import axios from "axios";

export interface CrazyTokenPayload {
    userId: string;
    gameId: string;
    username: string;
    profilePictureUrl: string;

export const DecodeCGToken = async (
    token: string
): Promise<CrazyTokenPayload> => {
    let key = "";

    try {
        const resp = await axios.get(
        key =["publicKey"];
    } catch (e) {
        console.error("Failed to fetch CrazyGames public key", e);

    if (!key) {
        throw new Error("Key is empty when decoding CrazyGames token");

    const payload = jwt.verify(token, key, { algorithms: ["RS256"] });
    return payload as CrazyTokenPayload;

Auth listener


You can register user auth listeners that are triggered when the player logs in CrazyGames. A log out doesn't trigger the auth listeners, since the entire page is refreshed when the player logs out.

const listener = (user) => console.log("User changed", user);

// add listener

// remove listener

After detecting a login using the Auth Listener, if you use the CrazyGames account as an identifier you should fetch the user's progress from your back-end.

If you rely on the data module or automatic progress save, our system automatically reloads the game in case of a login.


If you'd like to keep other sign in providers (Google or Facebook for example), you'll need to handle account linking between the CrazyGames account and the other providers. Check User linking page to find out more about user account linking.

For requesting the user's permission to link their CrazyGames account to the in-game account, please use the provided account link modal and avoid implementing it yourself. This provides the players with a standard modal, and also allows them to select the "Always link accounts" option (coming soon).

Account link modal

You can display the modal by calling the following method:

try {
    const response = await window.CrazyGames.SDK.user.showAccountLinkPrompt();
    console.log("Link account response", response);
} catch (e) {
    console.log("Error:", e);

The response object will be either { "response": "yes" } or { "response": "no" }

The following error codes can be returned:

  • showAccountLinkPromptInProgress - the link account modal is already displayed
  • userNotAuthenticated - the user is not logged in CrazyGames


Basic Implementation Full Implementation


When the SDK is in the local environment (on or localhost) it will return some hardcoded default values for the method calls in the user module.

You can customize the returned local values by appending these query parameters:

  • ?user_account_available=false will change the response from the isUserAccountAvailable method to false (it returns true by default).
  • ?show_auth_prompt_response= will change the response from the showAuthPrompt method. It accepts the following values: user1, user2, user_cancelled
  • ?link_account_response= will change the response from the showAccountLinkPrompt method. It accepts the following values: yes, no, logged_out
  • ?user_response= will change the response from the getUser method. It accepts the following values: user1, user2, logged_out
  • ?token_response= will change the response from the getUserToken method. It accepts the following values: user1, user2, expired_token (to return an expired token), logged_out

By default, getUser returns user1, getUserToken returns token for user1, showAccountLinkPrompt returns yes, showAuthPrompt returns user1, and isUserAccountAvailable returns true.